Well honestly I don't know.
It was the weird random word that I was supposed to type in to certify that I am a human and not some bot that spams people.
Hanedin. The closest word to it in the dictionary was Hang. Hang the act of suspension, the process in which all thoughts seem to develop. As they are suspended in the self created little word of infinity.
Hanedin..Is my word..It's my name
Well one name is as good as another...
Hanedin...I chose it's meaning. The act of suspending thoughts inside a little bubble that boxes out reality and all it's distant cousins.
It's funny how all these heavy sounding words seem to have no meaning at all.
King Crimson- Epitaph
Confusion will be my epitaph.
As I crawl a cracked and broken path
If we make it we can all sit back
And laugh.
But I fear tomorrow Ill be crying,
Yes I fear tomorrow Ill be crying.
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4 years ago