I am not that good maintaining blogs. Get to bored with 'em way too soon.
I was reading this really good porn story or erotic literature whichever you prefer...I stumbled onto this really weird
and startling reference..it goes:
"It doesn't really Eric, do you know anything about the battle of Agincourt?
"History little brother. Well during the battle, in 1415, the French,
believed they would win a victory over the English, and several of
there generals decided that whenever they captured an English longbow
soldier they were going to cut off his middle finger, as without the
finger it would be almost impossible to draw the renowned English
longbow and they wouldn't be able to fight in the future either."
"Yah and so ...?"
"The English longbow was made of the English Yew tree. The act of
drawing the longbow was known as "Plucking the Yew", or pluck yew. Well
the English defeated the French; and stood on the top of a hill above
Agincourt, waiving their middle fingers at the defeated French, yelling
see we can still pluck yew.
Over time "pluck yew" was changed into "Fuck You" and is often used
with the single finger waive. ‘Flipping the bird’ came from the fact
that pheasant feathers were used on the ends of the arrows. That's
about it."
I found it damn interesting. If it's true then it's scary, if it's not then kudos man...that's some imagination you got there...
Listening to The Door's people are strange...
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
Bloody Brilliant.
Today was the day that R said "I don't like to read." This has such interesting possibilities.
And here I conclude yet another first entry in yet another new blog.
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4 years ago