Hanedin: A dream deferred.

Posted: Apr 6, 2007 by Hanedin in Blahs: , ,

I really liked this poem....It's in our course, but oh! what a mindfuck...

Harlem - Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
Like a rasin in the sun
Or fester like a sore
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over-
Like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it sags
Like a heavy load
about to explode?

10 Annotations:

  1. Vidya says:

    Or is it forgotten,
    when one awakens?

  1. Hanedin says:

    Or does it dissolve,
    into the nothingness of the past?

  1. Vidya says:

    I must ask,
    Why does the life we want
    Only exist in our dreams?

  1. Hanedin says:

    These shimmering dreams,
    drench me with sepia hues of infinity.
    But Why?
    Questions unanswered,
    as broken shards of dreams,
    pierce into my thoughts.

  1. Vidya says:

    or perhaps
    dreams are but an
    alternate form of
    our true
    finally revealing itself.

  1. Hanedin says:

    sounds suspiciously like Freud

  1. Vidya says:

    Everything can be related to Freud...but sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar. ;)

  1. Hanedin says:

    Sometimes, It's a beautiful word...no word has so many possibilities as that one...

  1. Vidya says:

    Indeed. 'Tis a fickle word. Can elude so well..

  1. Hanedin says:

    Have you read this novel called Shadowlines by Amitav Ghosh or anything by Murakami?