The path to a heart-attack

Posted: May 22, 2010 by Hanedin in

People don't believe me when I tell them I can cook. And it really pisses me off. It undermines the tortuous pain of having to cook your own meals, simply because you can't afford to eat out every night. And I have decided to set the record straight. This is my own recipe. It is, and its meat. And it's spicy and it sure as hell as yummy.

I call it The Pork from Hell. :D Catchy, isn't it. I say, that I call it that, but to be frank I just came up with that.

What you need.
Pork (I buy the boneless ones, it work's better with it. And I am sure this recipe could work with lamb/chicken/beef as well but I like pork. So there)
Lots of red chilly
Spinach, Beans and Peas (It works just as well with just spinach, but I like beans and I really like peas!)
Cheese, lots of it. Preferably grated cheddar but it works just as well with any processed cheese thingybob.

How to do it

Wash the pork, and put it in the pan which has oil in it. Turn up the heat and stir it like your life depends on it. After you unfit idiots have managed to work up a sweat, which should be in 20seconds. Add in the spinach, the beans and the peas go once the spinach shrivels up like a penis out in the cold.

Oh, I forgot, soak the chilly in boiling water and put it in the fridge. Okay, so now you put this chilly and water into the pan. Add in the cheese and everything else. This is the point where you add anything else you want:say mushrooms or just random stuff you have in your fridge.

Once all of this is done. Cover the pan and cook for 40 minutes.

And you are done.

I can also make a mean Gado-Gado now!

4 Annotations:

  1. ami says:

    You can have all my peas. And sigh Gado gado has peanut :( I know where I'm not wanted!

    But pork, oh pork ;)

  1. Danny says:

    hahahha!!! I dont think I ever denied your culinary abilities. :)

    Must make for us some day? yes?

    p.s I also forgot that once upon a time there were blogs! :P

  1. I will agree only after trying this recipe.

  1. Hanedin says:

    @ami: fine no gado gado for you, instead i will make nice biryani? :D With other stuff. Proper 5 course bangali meal. I will eat your ucche, and you can have tomato chutney at the end of it...

    @Danny: Will do, don't you love 'Dundedain Ranger'?

    @Dunedain Ranger: You must. It's awesome!