Money, get away !
Posted: May 2, 2010 by Hanedin in Blahs: birds, Blah, blue jaz, digital camera, money, panasonic, photography, wildlifeOkay so if you look closely, one the branch. There is a blue something. Shaped vaguely like a bird. Well it is a bird.
This bird...

It's called an Indian Roller also the Blue Jay. Its not really a very unique bird, found all over Asia and parts of Europe. But the fact is that my picture was clicked by a reasonably decent camera in Bharatpur. But its not a birding camera. I need a birding camera, a mamalling camera, a reptiling camera etc etc. I need it, and I even know which one.
All I need is the money!
Hey there, stranger! Thanks for dropping by. How are you? :)
I see you've expanded the site! I love it; will browse through shortly.