Of Goldfishes and Dreams

Posted: Jan 1, 2008 by Hanedin in

It begins with a purple muffler. Tendrils of a familiar scent creep upwards into your nostril. An attempt to gift wrap happiness in a song, a color or a thought. Can it be done?

Can goldfish have dreams? A lack of light sources in a dark room. A careful choice of words. A lack, hence the darkness. But what if the non-abundance was planned and the darkness intended.

Can goldfish have dreams?

Dreams that dissolve in the aquamarine truth of a captive life. Dreams that do not break into jagged shards. Dreams that do not echo with the tune of an Aerosmith song.

What is it that separates the Goldfish from a dream.

Splish, Splash.

End it.

3 Annotations:

  1. Hey, I saw your blog while hopping around. My congratulations, it's really clean!

    And (just randomly thinking) fish don't have eyelids. It's weird to think of them dreaming what with no REM-sleep and all :-).

  1. of course they do...
    if fish have dreams, then so do goldfish

    i should know ...plishh