Posted: Dec 31, 2007 by Hanedin in

Pitter Patter.
Splitter Splatter.
I am not enjoying this, one bit.
Not even a tiny weenie bit.
End it.
Just choke it.
Splitter Splatter.

3 Annotations:

  1. It's interesting the way this connects with the image, and it says a lot in a few words.
    I preferred the old layout.
    And did you take the picture? I like. :)

  1. Hanedin says:

    No it is not even about smoking. The picture was an after thought. Its a brilliant picture, I must say. But no I did not take it.

  1. That's not what I meant. The cigarette's just been extinguished - and the 'just end it/choke it' part sort of makes me connect it to that.